Onboarding new organizations

This guide describes how to onboard new organizations into the SCSN infrastructure and is relevant for SCSN Service Providers. This guide assumes that a service provider already have set up their IDS Connector.


  • Deployed IDS Connector, registered in the SCSN data space

  • General organization information.

  • Integration of the organization's back-end system and the OpenAPI Data App.

GLN Provision

Each organization connected to SCSN is unique identifiable using a Global Location Number or GLN. These GLN can be requested from GS1 and are always unique. Some organizations might already have one or even mulitple GLN while others might not have requested such a number yet. In order to prevent that some organizations get even more GLNs, we support the usage of already requested GLNs. Furthermore, the Foundation SCSN will provide a GLN to all organizations who do not have a GLN yet. In order to support this functionality, the Broker API contains Provision GLN and Deprovision GLN functions.

In order to apply for a GLN, the service provider should execute a Provision GLN request. The header contains the Forward-Sender of the service provider itself, i.e. the GLN of the requestee. Additionally, the header contains the Forward-ID, i.e. the unique ID of the receiver (the broker in this case) which will always be: urn:scsn:ids:agents:broker-extension. Additionally, the request-body contains the PartyLegalEntityID, i.e. GLN, of the organization to be connected and its tax number, i.e. PartyTaxID, for referring purposes. Note that it is optional to provide the PartyLegalEntityID and this should only be used when an organization wants to use its own GLN! If the field is empty, the SCSN Foundation will provide a GLN.

Update Service Provider Connector

Now that the organization successfully requested or registered a GLN, it is possible to add the organization to the IDS Connector of the Service Provider.

For this the configuration of the connector must be changed, see Configuration. For each organization a seperate Agent entry must be added.

NOTE: in the near future a seperate Agent database will be supported in the form of an Mongo Database, which can be used to dynamically update and manage the organizations belonging to the connector.

The Agent structure is as follows:

# ID of the party, in the form of a GLN prefixed with `urn:scsn:`
id: urn:scsn:GLN
# Title of the party, as will be shown in the Broker (e.g. Manufacturing Company A@en)
# Party information following the SCSN Party object
# cac:PartyIdentification and cac:PartyName will be automatically filled with the previous id and title fields
    SUPPORTEDMESSAGES: Order 2.0;OrderResponse 2.0
    cbc:CompanyID: '5674352456'
    cbc:CompanyID: '456423565'
# Backend URL used for this party, see IDS Connector deployment > Internal Backend Configuration for all the different options
backendUrl: http://internal-backend

The config field should contain all the relevant information of the organization, see the Broker API and the SCSN Party Object.

Last updated